Birding in Taiwan



Scheduled Tours

May 7-20, 2007

July 18-20, 2007 Tour for Chinese Crested Tern (Matsu Tern)

Nov 5-18, 2007

2003 Trip Photos

2004 Trip Photos

2005 Trip Photos

Trip Reports

Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, May. 1-14, 2006


Trip Report:

BIRDING IN TAIWAN, Jan 29–Feb. 3, 2006

Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, FEB.24-26, 2006

Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, NOV.28-Dec.2, 2005

ANNOTATED SPECIES LIST, Taiwan, NOV.28-Dec.2, 2005

Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, NOV. 7-16, 2005


Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, MAY. 2-11, 2005


Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, MAY. 21-24, 2005

ANNOTATED SPECIES LIST, Taiwan, MAY. 21-24, 2005

Trip Report:  BIRDING IN TAIWAN, NOV. 8–17, 2004


Taiwan Trip Report, March 21 – 28, 2003

ANNOTATED SPECIES LIST, Taiwan, March 21 – 28, 2003

Taiwan Trip Report, November 11-19, 2003

ANNOTATED SPECIES LIST, Taiwan, November 11–19, 2003


BirdingASIA -Birdwatching in Taiwan




ANNOTATED SPECIES LIST, Taiwan, November 8 –17, 2004  Printable Version 


Birding in Taiwan Leaders:  Simon Liao and Ten-Di Wu





Taxonomy, names and sequence follow Birds of the World, a Checklist, 5th edition, 2000, by James F. Clements, updated to July, 2004.  Where the name in Clements differs from that in Birds of Taiwan, 1991, the Clements name is given first, followed by the Birds of Taiwan name in brackets.  Species endemic to Taiwan are shown in bold all caps.  Some birds were not seen by every person. Birds that were “heard only” or “leader only,” are indicated.

            “Shan”, pronounced ”sahn”, = “mountain;”  “tan” = “lake.”

            For itinerary, see TRIP REPORT: BIRDING IN TAIWAN, November 8–17, 2004.




Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis [Podiceps ruficollis] – many in wetland habitats – Aougo Wetland;       Tsengwen River estuary; Kwangtien Wetland; Long Luan Tan in Kenting National Park.

Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus – 1, Aougo Wetland.

Eared Grebe [Black-necked Grebe], Podiceps nigricollis – Tsengwen River wetlands.



Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo – several in appropriate habitat.


Herons, Egrets and Bitterns

Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea – many in freshwater habitat.

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea – 1, Long Luan Tan area, Kenting.

Great Egret, Ardea alba [Egretta alba] – common in freshwater habitat.

Intermediate Egret, Egretta intermedia – fairly common in freshwater habitat.

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta – very common in both freshwater and saltwater habitats.

Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis – many in lowland habitat, especially around farms.

Black-crowned Night-Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax – associated with freshwater habitats.

Malayan Night-Heron [Tiger Bittern], Gorsachius melanolophus – 1, Huisun Forest Station; 2, Mango      Valley.

Yellow Bittern [Chinese Little Bittern], Ixobrychus sinensis – 1, Tsengwen River wetlands.


Ibises and Spoonbills

Black-faced Spoonbill, Platalea minor – 1, Nov. 9, Miaoli County; 612 (official count on that day, Nov. 14),             Tsengwen River estuary; 1, near Long Luan Tan, Kenting.  Globally threatened.


Ducks, Geese and Swans

Eurasian Wigeon, Anas penelope – many in wetland habitats.

Gadwall, Anas strepera – 2, Aougo Wetland.

Eurasian Teal [Green-winged Teal], Anas crecca – many in wetland habitat.

Spot-billed Duck, Anas poecilorhyncha – more than 100, Long Luan Tan, Kenting.

Northern Pintail [Pintail], Anas acuta – 2, Aougo Wetland; 1, Kwangtien Wetland.

Garganey, Anas querquedula – 1, Long Luan Tan.

Northern Shoveler, Anas clypeata – Many in wetland habitat.

Tufted Duck, Aythya fuligula – many at Long Luan Tan, Kenting.



Osprey, Pandion haliaetus – 1, Nov. 17, while driving from Changhua to Taipei.


Hawks, Eagles and Kites

Crested Serpent-Eagle, Spilornis cheela – 2, Auwanda National Forest area; 1, Nov. 13; 2 Kenting area.

Eastern Marsh Harrier [Marsh Harrier], Circus spilonotus [Circus aeruginosus] – 3, Aougo Wetland.

Mountain Hawk-Eagle [Hodgson’s Hawk Eagle], Spizaetus nipalensis – 1, Auwanda National Forest       Recreation Area.


Falcons and Caracaras

Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus – 1, Puli; 1, Kenting National Park; 1, Tsengwen Dam area.


Pheasants and Partridges

TAIWAN PARTRIDGE [TAIWAN HILL PARTRIDGE], Arborophila crudigularis – Heard only; 1 each day,     Nov. 10, 11, 12, Meifeng.

Chinese Bamboo-Partridge [Bamboo Partridge], Bambusicola thoracica – 8, Huisun Forest Station, Nov.           9; 4, Huisun, Nov. 10; heard only, Meifeng.

SWINHOE’S PHEASANT, Lophura swinhoii – 2, Huisun Forest Station, Nov. 9; 3, Huisun, Nov. 10; 2,          Meifeng.

MIKADO PHEASANT, Syrmaticus mikado – 1, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Ring-necked Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus – 1, farm fields adjacent to Kwangtien Wetland.


Rails, Gallinues and Coots

Slaty-legged Crake [Banded Crake], Rallina eurizonoides – 1 at Long Luan Tan, Kenting.

White-breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus – 1, leader only, Auogo wetland.  .

Ruddy-breasted Crake, Porzana fusca – 1, Hambao; 2, Long Luan Tan, Kenting; 2, Huatan.

Common Moorhen [Moorhen], Gallinula chloropus – Common in marsh habitat.

Eurasian Coot [Coot], Fulica atra – small numbers in suitable habitat.



Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Hydrophasianus chirurgus – 6, Kwangtien; 1, Kenting area.



Greater Painted-Snipe, Rostratula benghalensis – 28, Huatan fields.


Stilts and Avocets

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus – many at Aougo Wetland and Tsengwen River.

Pied Avocet, Recurvirostra avocetta – 4, Tsengwen River. 


Plovers and Lapwings

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus – 18, Hambao Wetland.

Pacific Golden-Plover [American Golden Plover], Pluvialis fulva [Pluvialis dominica] – 2, Hambao; 6      Aougo Wetland; 2, Tsengwen River; 1, Long Luan Tan, Kenting

Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola – 2, Hambao; 20, Aougo Wetland.

Little Ringed Plover, Charadrius dubius – 4, Hambao; 20, Aougo Wetland; 2, Tsengwen River; 1, Long      Luan Tan, Kenting.

Snowy Plover [Kentish Plover], Charadrius alexandrinus – many at Hambao and Aougo Wetland.

Lesser Sandplover [Mongolian Plover], Charadrius mongolus –  20, Hambao; 1, Aougo Wetland.


Sandpipers and Allies

Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago – 30, Hambao; 7, Huatan fields.

Bar-tailed Godwit, Limosa lapponica – 1, Tsengwen River.

Eurasian Curlew, Numenius arquata – 1, Tsengwen River.

Common Redshank, Tringa totanus – 10, Aougo Wetland; many, Tsengwen River.

Marsh Sandpiper, Tringa stagnatilis – 1, Aougo Wetland.

Common Greenshank [Greenshank], Tringa nebularia – 3, Hambao; many at Aougo Wetland; 10,            Tsengwen River; 4, Long Luan Tan, Kenting.

Green Sandpiper, Tringa ochropus – 2, Auogo Wetland.

Wood Sandpiper, Tringa glareola – 10, Hambao; 20, Tsengwen River.

Terek Sandpiper, Xenus cinereus – 2, Aougo Wetland..

Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos [Tringa hypoleucos] – 4, Hambao; 2, Auogo Wetland; 6, Tsengwen           River; 2, Long Luan Tan, Kenting.

Gray-tailed Tattler, Heterosceles brevipes [Tringa brevipes] – 1, Hambao.

Ruddy Turnstone, Arenaria interpres – 4, Hambao; 3, Aougo Wetland.

Red-necked Stint [Rufous-necked Stint], Calidris rufficollis – 20, Aougo Wetland.

Long-toed Stint, Calidris subminuta – 7, Hambao.

Dunlin, Calidris alpina – hundreds at Hambao, Aougo Wetland, Tsengwen River.



Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus – many at Auogo Wetland.

Saunders’ Gull, Larus saundersi – 4, Dongshih River; 1, Tsengwen River.



Caspian Tern, Sterna caspia – 2, Dongshih River; 20, Tsengwen River estuary.

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybridus [Sterna hybrida] – 10, Aougo Wetland.

White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus – 1, Aougo Wetland.


Pigeons and Doves

Rock Pigeon [Rock Dove], Columba livia – many in varied habitats.

Ashy Wood-Pigeon, Columba pulchricollis – 6, Huisun Forest Station.

Oriental Turtle-Dove [Rufous Turtle-Dove], Streptopelia orientalis – 4, agricultural areas.

Red Collared-Dove [Red Turtle Dove], Streptopelia tranquebarica – seen almost every day, in various      habitats.

Spotted Dove, Streptopelia chinensis – common in lowlands.

Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica – 1, Auwanda National Forest Recreation Area.

White-bellied Pigeon [Japanese Green Pigeon], Treron sieboldii [Sphenurus sieboldi] – 1, mountain      forest, between Kuohsing and Puli; 10, Meifeng.



Lesser Coucal, Centropus bengalensis – 1, Aougo Wetland; 1, Kenting National Park area.


Typical Owls

Mountain Scops-Owl [Scops Owl], Otus spilocephalus – 1, Huisun Forest Station; heard only.



White-throated Needletail, Hirundapus caudacutus – 6, Meifeng, Nov. 12.  These birds were circling over the valley east of the main road in late morning sunlight, at about our eye-level, and close enough           that we could see the well-defined white throat patch on one bird.  We assumed that the other five           were the same species.

House Swift, Apus nipalensis [Alpus affinis] – large numbers in open areas.



Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis – Several in wetland habitats.



Black-browed Barbet [Muller’s Barbet], Megalaima oorti – Daily, Huisun Forest Station to Meifeng.  More            than 50 in mid-elevation forest in the Tsengwen Dam area.



Gray-capped Woodpecker [Gray-headed Pygmy Woodpecker], Dendrocopos canicapillus – 1, Huisun Forest Station; 1, Kenting Forest Recreation Area; 2, Tsengwen Dam area.  

Gray-faced Woodpecker [Gray-headed Green Woodpecker],  Picus canus – 2, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.



Oriental Skylark, Alauda gulgula – 4, fields adjacent to Kwangtien Wetland; 2, Long Luan Tan Lake area,   Kenting.



Plain Martin [Brown-throated Sand Martin], Riparia paludicola – several at low elevation.

Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica – common in lowlands.

Pacific Swallow, Hirundo tahitica – common in lowlands.

Striated Swallow, Hirundo striolata – common in lowlands.  (See footnote 1.)


Wagtails and Pipits

White Wagtail, Motacilla alba – 2 heard on Nov. 10; 1 seen Nov. 16.

Yellow Wagtail, Motacilla flava – 1, Hambao; 1, M. f. taivana rescued from netting, Kenting, Nov. 15; many,           Huatan fields.

Gray Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea – 1, Huisun Forest Station; others in appropriate lower elevation habitat.

Richard’s Pipit, Anthus richardi [Anthus novaeseelandiae] – 3, Long Luan Tan area, Kenting.

Olive-backed Pipit [Oriental tree-Pipit], Anthus hodgsoni – 3, Huisun Forest Station.

American Pipit [Water Pipit], Anathus rubescens [Anthus spinoletta] – 1, Long Luan Tan, Kenting.



Gray-chinned Minivet [Yellow-throated Minivet], Pericrocotus solaris – fairly common in appropriate       habitat; mostly mid-elevation.



Collared Finchbill, Spizixos semitorques – 2, Tsengwen Dam area.

STYAN’S BULBUL [TAIWAN BULBUL], Pycnonotus taivanus – More than 100 in Kenting area.

Light-vented Bulbul [Chinese Bulbul], Pycnonotus sinensis – common almost everywhere.

Black Bulbul, Hypsipetes leucocephalus [H. madagascariensis] – common in wooded habitats.



FLAMECREST [TAIWAN FIRECREST], Regulus goodfellowi – 10, coniferous forest, Hehuan Shan.



Winter Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes – 1, Auwanda National Forest Recreation Area; 2, Hehuan Shan.



Blue Rock-Thrush, Monticola solitarius – 3, Kenting National Park area.

FORMOSAN WHISTLING-THRUSH [Taiwan Whistling-thrush], Myophonus insularis – 1, Mango     Valley, Pillow Mountain.

Pale Thrush, Turdus pallidus – 5, Huisun Forest Station; 2, Meifeng; 2, Aougo Wetland.

Brown-headed Thrush [Red bellied Thrush], Turdus chrysolaus – 4, Aougo Wetland.

White-browed Shortwing [Blue Shortwing], Brachypteryx montana – 2, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.



Zitting Cisticola [Fan-tailed Warbler], Cisticola juncidis – 1, Huatan.

Striated Prinia [Brown Hill Warbler], Prinia criniger [Prinia polychroa] – 1, Chingching.

Yellow-bellied Prinia, Prinia flaviventris –  fairly common in low wetland habitat.

Plain Prinia [Tawny-flanked Prinia], Prinia inornata [Prinia subflava] – fairly common in low wetland        habitat.



Asian Stubtail [Short-tailed Bush Warbler], Urosphena squameiceps [Cettia squameiceps] – 1, Blue Gate           Trail, Meifeng; 1, Tsengwen Dam area.

Brownish-flanked Bush-Warbler [Strong-footed Bush Warbler], Cettia fortipes – 1, Meifeng.

Yellowish-bellied Bush-Warbler [Verreaux’s Bush Warbler], Cettia acanthizoides – 1, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Yellow-browed Warbler, Phylloscopus inornatus – 1, Tsengwen Dam area.

Arctic Warbler, Phylloscopus borealis – 1, Tsengwen Dam area.

Rufous-faced Warbler [White-throated Flycatcher Warbler], Abroscopus albogularis – 3, Blue Gate Trail,          Meifeng; 2, Mango Valley.



Asian Brown Flycatcher [Brown Flycatcher], Muscicapa dauurica [Muscicapa latirostris] – 1, Kenting      National Park.

Ferruginous Flycatcher, Muscicapa ferruginea – 1, Chingching; 1, Yangmin Shan National Park.

Vivid Niltava, Niltava vivida – 4, Meifeng.

Siberian Rubythroat, Luscinia calliope [Erithacus calliope] – 2, Chingching.

COLLARED BUSH-ROBIN, Tarsiger johnstoniae [Erithacus johnstoniae] – 7, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Daurian Redstart, Phoenicurus auroreus – 2, Huisun Forest Station; 1, Chingching.

Plumbeous Redstart [Plumbeous Water Redstart], Rhyacornis fuliginosus [Phoenicurus fulginosus] – 3,             Auwanda National Forest Recreation Area.



Black-naped Monarch [Black-naped Blue Monarch], Hypothymis azurea – 2, Mango Valley; 1, Kenting National Park; 6, Tsengwen Dam area; 1, Yangmin Shan National Park.



White-throated Laughingthrush, Garrulax albogularis – 54 in single flock, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Hwamei, Garrulax canorus taewanus – 3, Kenting National Park. 


STEERE’S LIOCICHLA, Liocichla steerii – 9, Meifeng area.

Spot-breasted Scimitar-Babbler [Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler], Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis         [Pomatorhinus erythrogenys] – 1 seen, 3 heard, Tsengwen Dam area.

Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler, Pomatorhinus ruficollis – 1, Mango Valley; 4, Kenting National Park; 2,           Tsengwen Dam area;  1, Yangmin Shan National Park.

Pygmy Wren-Babbler, Pnoepyga pusilla – 1, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Rufous-capped Babbler [Red-headed Tree Babbler], Stachyris ruficeps – 1, Huisun Forest Station; 1    Meifeng; 1, Mango Valley; 2, Tsengwen Dam area.

TAIWAN BARWING, Actinodura morrisoniana – 5, Meifeng and Hehuan Shan.

Streak-throated Fulvetta, Alcippe cinereiceps – 1, Hehuan Shan.

Dusky Fulvetta [Gould’s Fulvetta], Alcippe brunnea – 1, Meifeng; 2, Mango Valley.

Gray-cheeked Fulvetta, Alcippe morrisonia – Fairly common, mid- to high elevation.

WHITE-EARED SIBIA [TAIWAN SIBIA], Heterophasia auricularis – many, Meifeng area.

TAIWAN YUHINA, Yuhina brunneiceps – many, Meifeng area.

White-bellied Yuhina, Yuhina zantholeuca – 2, Huisun Forest Station; 1, Chingching; 1, Tsengwen Dam    area.



Vinous-throated Parrotbill, Paradoxornis webbianus – 2, Blue Gate Trail; 30, Hehuan Shan.

Golden Parrotbill [Blythe’s Parrotbill], Paradoxornis verreauxi [Paradoxornis nipalensis] – 1, leader          only, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.



Coal Tit, Periparus ater [Parus ater] – 7, Hehuan Shan.

Green-backed Tit, Parus monticolus – 8, Meifeng.

YELLOW TIT [TAIWAN TIT], Macholophys holsti [Parus holsti] – 1, Auwanda National Forest Recreation    Area; 1, Hehuan Shan.

Varied Tit, Sittiparus varius [Parus varius] – 32, Huisun Forest Station; 8, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.



Eurasian Nuthatch, Sitta europaea – 1, Huisun Forest Station; 1, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.



Plain Flowerpecker, Dicaeum concolor – 3, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Dicaeum ignipectus – 2, Auwanda National Forest Recretion Area; 2,           Meifeng.



Japanese White-eye, Zosterops japonicus – very common everywhere except highest elevation.



Black-naped Oriole, Oriolus chinensis – 3, Inda Eco-Farm, Wanluan.

Maroon Oriole, Oriolus trailii – 2, Huisun Forest Station; 4, Tsengwen Dam area.



Bull-headed Shrike, Lanius bucephalus – 1, Puli area.

Brown Shrike, Lanius cristatus – more than 50 in open lowland habitats.

Long-tailed Shrike [Black-headed Shrike], Lanius schach – 2, Puli area; 2, Hambao.



Black Drongo, Dicrurus macrocercus – common at low elevation.

Bronzed Drongo, Dicrurus aeneus – fairly common at mid-elevation



Eurasian Jay [Jay], Garrulus glandarius – 2, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng, Nov. 11; 4, Meifeng, Nov. 12.

FORMOSAN MAGPIE [TAIWAN BLUE MAGPIE], Urocissa caerulea – 4 Huisun Forest Station.

Gray Treepie [Himalayan Tree Pie], Dendrocitta formosae – 9, Huisun Forest Station; 1, Kwangtien area; 2,        Kenting; 2, Yangmin Shan.

Eurasian Magpie [Magpie], Pica pica – 1, Aougo Wetlands.

Large-billed Crow [Jungle Crow}, Corvus macrorhynchos – fairly common at mid- to high elevation.

Crested Myna, Acridotheres cristatellus – fairly common in open habitats at low elevation.

European Starling [Common Starling], Sturnus vulgaris – 3, Kenting area.  Rare in Taiwan.

White-rumped Munia, Lonchura striata – 4, Huatan.

Nutmeg Mannikin, Lonchura punctulata – common in grassy, scrubby habitats at low elevation.

Black-faced Bunting, Emberiza spodocephala – 2, Chingching; 3, Huatan.



Vinaceous Rosefinch, Carpodacus vinaceus – 4, Hehuan Shan.

Eurasian Siskin, Carduelis spinus – 1, Chaiyi County.

Brown Bullfinch, Pyrrhula nipalensis – 7, Blue Gate Trail, Meifeng.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow [Tree Sparrow], Passer montanus – abundant in towns.



Total species:  168;  164 seen, including 13 of Taiwan’s 15 endemics; 2 species heard only, 2 leader   only.

MissedTAIWAN BUSH WARBLER, Bradypterus alishanensis.




Taiwan Macaque [Formosan Rock-monkey], Macaca cyclopis; 1, Nov. 9 and 11.

Red-bellied Squirrel, Calloscirus erythacus; 1, Nov. 11.

small bat (sp.?), 2, Nov. 11.

Weasel sp. or Ferret; 1, Nov. 12.

Mudpuppy sp.; hundreds, Nov. 13.

Frog, Rhacophorus arvalis; many, Nov. 13, in the stream at Mango Valley.

Freshwater crab sp.; 2, Nov. 13, in the stream at Mango Valley.


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NOTES:   Striated and Red-rumped Swallows are very similar in appearance.  Red-rumped appears in Taiwan only in migration, whereas Striated is a resident species.


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For more information, please contact Simon Liao, in Canada, at: